I think I’m getting better at shooting pictures and tweaking the colors in post. There’s a ton more for me to learn but I’m really enjoying the opportunity to learn and improve my techniques. I’m also absolutely open to feedback from people as well.

After the beach, we headed to grab dinner, drop off our clothes to get laundered, and meet up with the dive shop I’ll be diving with tomorrow afternoon, whereas Joanna and Xu will be snorkeling. I tried convincing them to do the introductory dive but they decided against it. It’s on my bucket list to dive in the Great Barrier Reef before it’s completely gone, hopefully I can convince Joanna to be my diving buddy by then *fingers crossed*.

Xu had a great idea of getting another massage after our errands, no one was lucky enough to get the lady boy tonight. Joanna totally passed out for over half of her foot massage. I definitely enjoyed this one more than the full body Thai massage from last night. It was less intense and was more relaxing.

I think today is the first day I really feel like I’ve hit vacation mode. I can’t help feel envious of these Europeans I’m encountering who have been traveling for more than 6 months and still have plenty of countries left to visit. Oh well, I guess I’ll have some time until the next trip to decide on where to go. 7 days done, 10 to go!