I had originally left my Friday flexible so that I could get an activity done in the morning then head into the work in the afternoon and work through the evening to coincide with US work hours so that I didn’t have to take a vacation day as I hoard those like a squirrel preparing for winter.

The original plan for the team for this trip was to arrive on Saturday morning and leave to the airport on Thursday night after work. I extended my trip an extra 2 days to leave Saturday night. In order to do that, I had to get manager approval which was an easy sell because my flight was $1000 cheaper than the rest of the team.

I’ve been anticipating this trip to come to our Mumbai office for almost a year and now that I’m here, this entire week has been a blur.

When we checked into the hotel on Friday night I saw a flier advertising free yoga lessons on Saturday and Sundays at 7am. I forced myself to go to bed at a reasonable time so I could wake up and see how yoga is in India. It reminded me of when I did Tai Chi in Hong Kong last November when we were there for a week.

The travel doctor I went to see before the trip had prescribed me ambient to help with adjusting with the time change quickly. I heard some bad side effects from people’s personal experiences with it so I decided to take a benadryl instead because I didn’t want to be sleep walking the streets of Mumbai in the middle of the night.

I wanted to provide some life updates before I get started on blogging about what’s going on with this new trip.