We didn’t leave the hostel until past 2 pm yesterday because I had to figure out what we were doing the rest of the trip.

I’ve skipped a few days worth of posts because honestly there hasn’t been much to report.

I’m really amazed at how we randomly happened to come to Onjuku. It’s just a tiny town that has just a small handful of traffic lights and not even a single 7-11.

So even though we didn’t go to Okinawa, the typhoon still had an affect on our trip here in Onjuku. The change in water temperature from the typhoon created some very large and choppy waves so we weren’t able to continue our surf lessons yesterday.

When I initially worked out plan B, I didn’t realize how much train travel we had to do to get to our destinations. It took about 6 hours to get from Osaka to Onjuku.