I’m happy to say that I started at work again this week! It feels so good to be back to a normal life. Everyone has been telling me how happy they are to see me and that that they’re glad I’m at work again.

I can’t help but reminisce sometimes and scroll through all of the pictures of what I went through this summer. In the time it takes me to scroll through pictures from June-December, that’s kind of how fast time has gone by. I know while I was in the midst of things, each day would drag on for so long but now that I’m no longer sick in bed or making my weekly drive to Rochester, time moves much more quickly.

Going through the blog, I also feel melancholy, like I’m in the position that you, my blog readers, have been in where you’re on the outside looking in. I see pictures like this and think, “Man ‘that guy’ is going through a really hard time.”

I remember that I had really bad nausea or that my chest hurt for a long time after surgery, but I’m starting to forget what actual physical sensations felt like. Maybe it’s for the better that I can put all of the pain and misery behind me and move forward with my new lease on life.

I know that I now have a new sense of empathy towards those who are going through cancer treatment because I went through it myself. There’s been a few strangers that I’ve met and had an instant connection with when we share our stories of how life got turned upside down by cancer.

One thing is absolutely clear to me though. Even though the last 8 months were easily the worst time of my life, I either strengthened or grew new relationships with people that were in my life.

These are but a small fraction of all the people who supported me through my cancer journey. I know I have hundreds more people who prayed, sent me cards, and chatted with me online when I was bored at 4am.