After a long 7 hour train ride from Hiroshima we arrived in Tokyo to wrap up our trip. By now we are exhausted from doing the tourist thing. We purposefully left the souvenir shopping to the end of the trip so we wouldn’t have to carry everything around.

There aren’t that many pictures to share because we spent a solid 2 days going between shibuya and shinjuku buying stuff to take home. We did revisit some of our favorite restaurants to get more ramen, sushi, and yakitori.

We were staying at a new hostel that opened up in July in Asakusa. Matthew, a school teacher in London, quickly became our new friend there and joined us during our trips around Tokyo. Matthew is a super cool traveler with tons of great stories to tell. He’s been on 63 scuba dives and has multiple certifications. He spent the last 3 weeks in the Philippines doing ecological surveys for the government by diving and recording fish species and stuff that he saw underwater. A few years ago he went to Malaysia where he helped count sea turtle eggs and made sure the baby turtles safely hatched and reached the ocean.

We also met up with a few of the guys from Toronto who we met at the first hostel that we stayed at in Tokyo.

On our last day, Matthew suggested that we check out a manga and anime convention that was free to visit. We absolutely did not expect what we saw…Japanese people are really into anime which is normal for them, weird to us.

Side note, I guess it’s not common for Japanese people to wear deodorant, this was the worst place to figure that out.