Today was a pretty laid back day. Since we’re going back to Manila tomorrow we figured we’d lay low and try to spend the least amount of money as possible. Christopher flew into Singapore on his way to…somewhere, Bali? so he had a half day layover here in town which was great because it was just another opportunity to hang out.

Most of the day was wandering more malls and finding things to eat. This old man sold literal ice cream sandwiches. He sliced blocks of ice cream and put them between bread. It was pretty good, not great.

For dinner we thought about getting siu long bao (pork dumplings) again but everywhere we went it was basically a dollar per dumpling. I did a google search and found another person’s blog that found a good place in chinatown that sold them for half price.
I got an order of the steamed pork bao dumplings and the pan fried pork and leek dumplings. We were really glad we found it easily and had our fill of dumplings

We’re just going to lay low tonight because everything is pretty pricey to do in the city and we’re heading back to Manila in the morning.