It’s been a VERY long day…I shall explain.
Started out with shopping for some extra warm clothes for the next leg of the trip. The plan was to go buy it and then head to the Macau ferry but on our way to shop. Kimberly forgot her passport so we had to backtrack to pick it up.
On the way to the ferry I got a chance to get some freshly made takoyaki mmm so good, in Minneapolis I can get 6 for $5 during happy hour. Here, it was 6 for $3.
The ferry tide round trip cost about $40usd and it took an hour to get to Macau. Weather was nice and I didn’t really have any expectations out of the day trip except get some treats from the world famous bakery.

I felt like the longer we were in the market square, the more annoyed I got with people in general hence the need to want to punch people in the mouth hole. More and more people kept pushing and shoving me (even old ladies) but the Minnesota nice in me continued to apologize when SOMEONE ELSE walked into me until at almost the end of the day, I just about had enough of these shenanigans.

By that time we were getting close to the time that the Grand lisboa buffet opened. Because of how popular it is, Kimberly made a reservation over a month ago for us.

They had so much food and it was all delicious. We were there for 2 hours and I had to take a few time outs to recover. Some of my favorites were salmon sashimi, fresh steamed shrimp they kept in a tank, hand pulled noodles, and the bread pudding which had apples and raisins inside.

Right now I’m on the ferry ride home and I’m about to pass out because of how much food I ate and how much walking we did.