I’ve discovered that the last two days that I’ve been on Toradal, my body starts out normal when I wake up in the morning but I slowly age into a 60 year old by the end of the day as it wears out.

I don’t expect to have many profound ideas or thoughts that come out of this whole journey. However, I did realize that when there’s something I really want out of all of this, I really need to focus and work for it.

Having cancer sucks. Being sick while having cancer like quadruply sucks. Yesterday was not a good mental or physical day for me. I was pushed, prodded, and poked until I yelled for mercy but to no avail.

I woke up feeling absolutely fantastic today. Energy levels were high, I was able to go outside to enjoy the sunshine on the way to Mayo, and I knew it was just going to be a good day.

I noticed on Tuesday morning that my right arm started feeling sore and red just like my left arm. Lo and behold, I got phlebitis on it too from the last round of chemo that they did on Sunday night. You can faintly see it traveling up my arm.

I’m starting to learn the ins and outs of dealing with home life after chemo therapy. It’s slow going but every day I’m learning something new about myself and people are providing me with some really awesome resources.

It was about 2:30 am last night and I pushed the “Call nurse” button for Nurse Erika to come in because I started feeling the same nauseous feeling creep up into my chest like I have been the last 3 nights.

I felt him in my chest last night, the anger, and the pain was building up inside. Up to this point, I never “felt” like I had a tumor in my chest besides the coughing but while I was on the phone with Joanna at around 9pm, I started a coughing fit. I could feel pain in my chest, a throbbing pain, and became short of breath as this tumor gripped tighter to the muscle fibers it was attached to since it’s begun to shrink.

My dad got his prostate biopsy yesterday morning. I’m going to dedicate this post to him instead of focusing on my own narcissistic butt today. Cancer or no cancer, it’s still a nice butt despite what you may think.

The end of my chemo treatment last night was rough. My IV would not send blood back up (more on this later) and because of it, we were running late on finishing treatment.