It’s been bugging me the past few days that I haven’t switched to WordPress since that’s what I worked on while I was at Westwerk.
I can’t believe it’s been over a year since I was on my last trip to Asia. A lot has happened over the past year but one thing has not changed, my goals to hit as many countries in Asia as I can.
I’m on the plane right now to San Fran and I have definitely remembered that on a trip like this you need to play things by ear and not take stuff so seriously.
It’s 1am right now, we’re not leaving for another 2 days but I figured I should use my extra time wisely and start packing early with the hopes that if I forget something, I can run to Target tomorrow and get whatever I need without any rush.
So a couple weeks ago I had the idea to get certified for scuba diving, I read that the Philippines are one of the best places in the world to dive.
I am SO excited to write this first blog post for my next adventure back to Asia. For those who are joining me for the first time, this is my 4th travel blog.
I’ve been avoiding doing this final post since I got home only because I thought I’d have some final profound thoughts to wrap up this trip…nope
It’s the day before I leave and up to this point, I’ve only made lists and thought about packing. I’ve been on lots of trips before and I never seem to break the habit of doing things last minute.
Hey everyone
I’m really glad to be blogging about another trip that I’m going to be on. It’s super exciting that I get to go back to Asia exactly a year after my last trip.