I felt like yesterday morning was a day to basically kill time until our 11:30 pm flight to Bangkok.
Aaron was still feeling sick so Lahti and I went to Victoria’s Peak. The weather was super awesome and barely any haze.
After that we were walking down the street on HK Island and a random lady ushered us into her restaurant and we ordered some really good cheap street food.
I was able to get my Uncle his keys back to the apartment but completely forgot about returning his octopus card back also, I bought Lahti one which cost $150 HKD and she forgot to return it and get the deposit back to me as well – -”
I was able to pick up some random gifts from some stores but I still have at least $40 USD in Hong Kong Dollars.
I was thinking it over last night and realized that this will be the first time I go into a country where I don’t speak the language. I’ve been to a few places in Central America, China, and…well…Canada and that’s it.
I’m really really nervous because the both of them are used to living in dirty cheap hostels and not having a plan until the last minute where I’m used to staying in hotels and having a travel itinerary where all the transportation is booked and scheduled.
We’ll be moving around a lot and not staying in a single place for long. I regret packing so much since I did 2 small loads of laundry in HK. So far what I know off the top of my head is that we’re arriving into Bangkok tonight at 1am and throughout the trip we’re visiting Cambodia and Laos.
Budgets are tight so we’ll be sacrificing luxury for cost.